Looking for nearfield passive speakers that are warm and rich

I really like my ATC Scm7s that I use at my desk but I want something warmer, richer more bassy. Something that does well with vocals and jazz.


Budget is $5000.  They are being driven by arc ref5se and pass x350.8, dac is denafrips terminator. Thanks.



As long as his gear is SS or a mix you will get a good idea knowing that your gear is slightly to the warmer side of neutral.  As the North American distributor always preferred to show them with Blue Circle hybrid gear you combo of ARC and Pass should fit the bill.  Since one of your current favorites is three times the cost of the other I would go listen and possibly keep a lot of money in my bank account.  In audio cost is not always or many times a determination of quality or sound.  Even used I paid a good bit more for the C7ES's than I did for the Bliss Jubilee's and after many hours of comparison the higher cost was not justified to me.  Trust your ears and nobody elses. 


I listened to all sorts of bookshelf speakers in your price range with essentially the same focus on richness, warmth, bass, and jazz. The best I heard, and eventually bought, was a pair of demo Trenner & Fried ART speakers. Exceptional craftsmanship, with warm and rich sound, plenty of bass for near field listening, and  a perfect fit for jazz and vocals.  The ARTs are the kind of speaker that transports you to the event, and with your listed gear, you would be in for a real treat. I have used various Cardas cables in my system with the ARTs, and they only added to the realism given that the speakers are wired with Cardas. Hope that helps!

Listen an active Focal monitor and sell your amplifier. Solo6 BE or Trio6 BE would be fine...