There are some good tips posted above, as well as some fun thoughts. Have to say you're killing me telling me how nice those BRXs are. I'm dying to listen but don't need them... ugh. I suspect them to be an incredible bargain for sound $. Those and your 2000Pro would be great in the right room.
I sincerely believe speakers are the single most important, critical, and expensive component of any well-assembled audio reproduction system. Finding the type of speaker is first (box, planar, horn, combos, etc.). Narrowing down the sound is next and in the box speaker category alone there are plenty of house sounds, yin to yang.
Some folks desired sound my change over time (I moved from older ML electrostatics to Dynaudio to Raidho) but the sooner it settles for you, the sooner you can move up to a great speaker in it's class.
Research and listen, repeat, and repeat. As someone posted, you'll be far happier with your purchase in the end if you listen to a lot first. Do your best and good luck.