McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



and what a remarkable coincidence you mention banking and Nigeria..

I thought they made a power conditioner?

The Swiss are also known for banking.


Your promise to be polite but in your invitation is already a veiled insult ("what you think you know"). No, you’ve already proved your ability to be abusive. You can make another video -- calling this "the yellow" site and calling folks here "hens" etc. No, your invitation to name-call and abuse on Zoom is politely declined.

fair point -- we should be reminded that words are cheap

many checks are written with words that cannot be cashed with actions

like the wife beater who says honey can i come home, i’ll be different this time

utter lack of self awareness is often one's greatest weakness, and source of one's undoing

Hilde is right....

And in real life there is 2 kind of people like in Hollywood cinema too: those who stake so much for truth that they can apologize if their words were misundestood or overstated and those who cannot because of their ego...

Ego people are not bad, we all have an ego, but in some criticial situation ego matter less than truth and intention must be clarified in a way or in an another...

Hilde make a good point with a no "insults" thread appealing to a clarification....

I concur with him....Clarification has been made...

None of you that constantly argue about the "sound" are actually into this hobby for the music.

It is not false but it is not true either like many encompassing statement...

I like to discuss about "sound" but i listen music because my system and audio room are done...

Then i like to discuss what come about from my experience and experiments to help strirring what appear to be the right course for most and for me....

I am in the two categories at the same time.. . The most important category of people here i think....

None of you that constantly argue about the "sound" are actually into this hobby for the music.