It's all subjective. Enjoy what you have and envy is not worn well.
One mans garbage is another mans gold.
If I die tomorrow I will die a happy content man.
Remember it is about the music not the trappings, at least in my world.
You are right on jerryg123!
What an insane idea, applying "the law of accelerated returns" to the reproduction of music in the home. Without context. I have heard many, many systems over the past 40 years (more but I'm embarrassed to admit it :-)) and each one sounded great in it's own way. They were/are great because the owner cared deeply about music. Some were super expensive and some were modest.
I hope newbies to this hobby understand that you simply don't have to spend a fortune to achieve fantastic sound. It's still all about the music. Who cares about the last 1%.