King Crimson

The only knowledge I had of King Crimson was my first LP bought self titled Bad Company, and reading the bass player Boz came from Crimson. Fast forwarded 50 years and I am now hearing for the first time "in the court of the Crimson King". I know I wouldn't have liked what I love today, when I was 13. Amazing players and composers! Court is not dismissed, please remain seated. 


Three of a perfect pair was my first exposure to King Crimson around 1985. Love Court too.

I was reading Mark Kelly's (Marillion) new book in which he makes a reference to running into Fripp sitting quietly by himself in a bar. Interesting conversation.

I'm on my third or fourth vinyl of In the Court since the 70's. I guess I play it too much?

Sadly, my original King Crimson album (from '69) was stolen from my dorm room at U of MT; such a loss.  Love "Moonchild".  

If you have a video set up you might enjoy the DVD King Crimson Deja Vrooom.

Is there a certain vinyl copy of court that I should look for? All I have is Qobuz.