King Crimson

The only knowledge I had of King Crimson was my first LP bought self titled Bad Company, and reading the bass player Boz came from Crimson. Fast forwarded 50 years and I am now hearing for the first time "in the court of the Crimson King". I know I wouldn't have liked what I love today, when I was 13. Amazing players and composers! Court is not dismissed, please remain seated. 


Sadly, my original King Crimson album (from '69) was stolen from my dorm room at U of MT; such a loss.  Love "Moonchild".  

If you have a video set up you might enjoy the DVD King Crimson Deja Vrooom.

Is there a certain vinyl copy of court that I should look for? All I have is Qobuz.

@voodoolounge - I wrote up a shoot out of three copies, an original UK pink label, a UK pink rim and the then new (50th Anniversary) Steve Wilson remixed remix on vinyl (without all the extras from the deluxe package). You should be able to find it on the web. I found the 2010 issue to be a little clinical sounding.

Bill Hart