The problem with streaming

As I sit here listening to America Includes: "A Horse With No Name", I realized the problem with streaming. Who knows what source material you're getting with streaming? The album I'm listening to is a Warners Brothers green label. Sonics are absolutely incredible! The band sounds like they're in the room! 

Navigating the pressings to find the best one can be challenging but that's part of the fun of the hobby. I doubt the same care is taken when generating streaming recordings. You're stuck with what they use, thus missing the incredible texture of the best recordings.

Of course, great care must be taken to set up the turntable and match all components downstream. I find the effort to be well worth it! There's just no substitute for great analog!


I’m in the process of selling off my entire analog side. Only the turntable is left. The digital side I have sounds much better anyway. 
Hunt a record, dust it, clean it, let it dry, put it on, play for twenty minutes including that one song I hate, flip it. Who could ever improve on that process? Maybe someday I’ll be able to click a mouse and find any recording I want. 

The ONLY problem with streaming is...

depending on an internet connection. Otherwise, it's fa fantastic way to hear new music.

I listen to music to escape the computer, though I do enjoy web browsing while listening to...RADIOWAVES.

Still listening to an FM tuner. Just turn everything on and....listen.


I've warmed to streaming lately using Amazon HD over a Node 2i.  However, the quality of the masterings are widely variable.  There are some stunningly good examples, and there are also poorly mastered examples that have almost no dynamic range.  Still, it's a welcome addition to a largish (3000+) record collection, especially for new or not owned music and when deciding whether to seek out an album on vinyl.


There was the time when I spent a lot extra to get an older pressing of Dark Side of the Moon. It tuned out to be not so great.i have heard better sound from CD's and streaming. My mistake I am sure, but it is tough when you spend extra and not get what you wanted. I still prefer Vinyl because of the Album Art, liner notes and joy of handling something so old that sounds amazing.

I was just thinking how album art, lyrics, production info, personnel.  It was as much fun as listening to the album