Well you don't need a degree in physics to determine a 600 wat amp will fill a room easier than a 200 watt amp with siliar amp output to fill a 21,000 cubic foot room
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- 13657 posts total
Well it is surprising but the Humboldt had much more grip than the Diablo 300 on my 3.7s. Bass was much deeper, detailed and full body with the Humbold, the Diablo sounded lean compared to the Humboldt. In Europe the Humboldt’s MSRP is 42K, i cannot think of any separates that could compete within this price range.
I was happy to hear that @thieliste 's speaker shootout declared the Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables the winner being an owner of Cardas cabling . But for most the cost puts this out of reach for an average guy . While I tried and didn't succeed in using Cardas 9.5 awg ( the same used in the CCB ) in different configurations , parallel single runs , twisted and used as the negative with Cardas Neutral Reference used as the positive , I'm still always interested in speaker cable designs . The Cardas web site shows the Clear Beyond as a quad star but describes it as an octo star ? But at least they give you more information about cable designs and specs than most other manufactures . Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling after reading this thread I've become curious about this design , are any Thiel owners using or have tried this design ?
- 13657 posts total