Indicators of worn/bad capacitors?

I'm sure this topic has been addressed before, but perhaps I can ask again: What indicates capacitors are in need of replacement in a solid state amp? Specifically, my system seems a bit harsh/bright lately.  Nothing else in my system has changed (LRS, VPI HW-19 with Mörch UP-4 arm/Sumiko BP#2, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Cambridge CXC CD-2, Classé Audio DR-9 with very few hours on it, various cables). Could that be an indicator of bad capacitors?


Thanks in advance,



From your words, your capacitors are most-likely okay.

Caps going bad in SS amp will hum and possibly pick-up RFI noise almost just like tubes.

The other way is to look at those if they show any signs of heat impact, discoloration or deterioration of print. Electrolytic DC caps usually can show that they're getting little 'fat', showing some loss of liquid around it.

Thanks for the replies!

1) No hum or other noise that I can detect but I haven't removed the top of the amp to look (but, following your advice, I will do that tomorrow) and,

2) I leave the system off almost all the time. I only listen on weekends. Would leaving the amp running constantly help?



Caps can dry out but still work on a 35 year old amp even with little use