Indicators of worn/bad capacitors?

I'm sure this topic has been addressed before, but perhaps I can ask again: What indicates capacitors are in need of replacement in a solid state amp? Specifically, my system seems a bit harsh/bright lately.  Nothing else in my system has changed (LRS, VPI HW-19 with Mörch UP-4 arm/Sumiko BP#2, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Cambridge CXC CD-2, Classé Audio DR-9 with very few hours on it, various cables). Could that be an indicator of bad capacitors?


Thanks in advance,



You capacitors are no culprit then.

I would recommend if you listen to SS amp weekends only to keep it on all weekend. Wait at least 20 min before listening after turning on.

Thanks to all of you for your helpful comments! I'll try leaving it running for a week and re-assess the situation.



visual clues include swelling, discharge of any substance at the base of the capacitor, heat discolouration and general old age (although old caps can still function OK).

Post removed 

over all the years, SS or Tubes (already broken in): on, 20 minutes, listen, off.

nothing changed, no obvious noise problems when on/no content playing, I suspect visual inspection (above and below) will reveal nothing.

Is it possible something subtle is going on with your hearing? Anyone else familiar with your system agree harsh/bright?