Rate my system/advise

Edit for spelling advice, advise.

Hey, I am new to hi-fi. I have been building a system, and I have not set it up yet to listen. I demo’d the speakers before purchasing, but with different equipment. I was curious of opinions on my purchases, and what room there is for improvement. I had bought the amp’s early, which are old, and hoped to make up for it with the preamp.

McIntosh MB100 Media Bridge

Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp

2 NAD 218 THX’s (each in bridged mono)

B&W 803 D3

Nordost Tyr 2 IC (MB100 to ARC REF 6)

Ansuz Diamond Signalz IC (ARC REF 6 to NAD 218 THX)

Nordost Heimdall 2 Speaker cables

Nordost Heimdall 2 Power cables

Nordost Reference jumpers


I am about to purchase:

Butcher block acoustics audio rack and amp stands w/

IsoAcoustics Orea Isolators

Rebel Sky Acoustics Diffusers

Auralex Deep6 Low-frequency absorbers


$49 well spent to get a laser measure for set up.  Not just distance to front baffle from listening spot, also use it on sides of speakers to set toe-in and on top to set any tilt.  Way more significant than I'd have ever guessed until I fine tuned my position and geometry.  Its when you notice your speakers actually disappear. 

Too bad you're not loaded up with a bunch of stuff to sell.  LOL.  So moving forward.  Have you got the speakers positioned.  Out in front of furniture etc.  Subs would help.  Takes load off amps. Not sure if a Parasound A21+ would work warm sound.  Not high priced.  Older model is less.  But yeah. If money is tight first you have to have time listening and you will have plenty of time to figure this out.  Good luck.  You should be able to make this sound good for now.

Santabarbara, thanks for the info and providing the link. I'll look more into Krell. I was looking into some Pass Labs amps or to save money, buying an older pair of ARC Ref 210 or VTM200. Do you think these older models will hold up, or should I really look for newer? 


Akgwhiz and daledeee, thanks for the advice. I'll definitely wait and take time for measurements and all that before purchasing any items for room treatment.  

This sounds a lot like putting the cart before the horse. Set it up, listen to what you have now and go from there. Right now you are driving blind. With the cart in front of your horse. Hard to get anywhere that way.

Baylinor, ya I will I guess keep it as is and then try to have some money saved up. I will be moving soon, and don't want it set up at my current residence for a few reasons. But when I move, I won't have as much disposable income, which is why I've been using this time to buy everything while I have a better opportunity to do so.