
Is it discernible, or a state of mind, is there an audio benefit? If so what would be the best way to achieve this and how …




I tried Bi-Wire, Bi-Amping years ago and Bi-Wire only made a small difference, but Bi-Amping with a better crossover (I used an old tube ARC two way) made a wonderful difference.



Bi amping can make a huge difference if you have two amps with different characteristics.  For example, if your primary amp has weak bass, a second amp with good bass powering the woofers would make a difference.

The Cable Company sold me bi-amp speaker wires and said this is better than using jumper cables.  They didn't cost that much more.  Who knows if any of this makes any difference.   

I have bi-wired and bi-amped three sets of passive speakers with separate posts for bass and treble from different amplifiers. To my ears, I have never been able to notice any difference. In my cases, the amplifiers sent the full range to each.

I think there are countless reasons to bi-amp (or not).

One of my setups uses floor to ceiling line arrays using 30 peerless TC9 drivers per tower. The enclosures are sealed (no ports) and have almost 0 output below about 150Hz.
I use a pair of subs and midwoofers per side to take care of the rest of the frequency response (20-150Hz).
Easier for me to bi-amp in this situation, utilizing class d amps with DSP for crossover duty.

Strangely, this setup sounds better to me than when using any of my tube amps. The reverse is true when using my horn speakers…YMMV…