Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC

Hi, does anybody have any experience with the Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC?

I have never ever had any cd player which was less than 2000 GBP, so, you know what I have, had from other forums that I don't need to name them past you argued how Musical Fidelity gear bad... now I have 2 systems still using kw dm25, kw 500 despite my new setup(Boulder,Pass Labs,) still enjoy Kw 500 and Kw Dm25 setup.
For redbook cd replay Kw Dm25 is quite sufficient if it is used in good systems. Today Michael Fremer of stereophile is also using kw dm25 even his speakers retails moreless 40.000 USD (Wilson Maxx2)
Poor elberoth2....what Musical Fidelity has done such a bad thing to you? Share with us!
Michalson killed my doughter, LOL.

Seriously though - I have absolutely no problems with MF, other than the fact that their gear is - in general - poorely engineered and sounds medicore at best.

I really wish MF spend as much money on the design of their products as they do on marketing.

A close friend of mine, demoed the kw DM25 alongside the similarly priced EMM Labs CDSD and Acoustic Arts players and the both wiped the floor with MF, big time. The performance difference was HUGE.

I have only heard the kw DM25 at show conditions, twice, and each time MF room got my vote for the worst sound of the show.

BTW - Mr. Fremer can be hardly regarded as digital expert.

To get the maximum performace out of the current 6112 tube based MF gear. There are NOS alternatives to the 80's vintage stock Philips tube. The 6112 was designed by Sylvania and I have a 1960's NOS pair in my unit. NOS 6112 may also be found branded Raytheon and General Electric. However, I believe that the OEM on all 6112 tubes is Sylvania. I have also seen NOS 6112 tubes with standard pins (not flying leads) I own a MF A5 cd player and find it quite involving, especially with the NOS tubes. I know of no other player in this price range that performs at a higher level. In the recent past I owned Esoteric DV-50, Marantz SA11-S1, ARC CD3MK2, Krell SACD Standard, CARY 303-300 a loner Wadia 800. The MF is the one that is still here....I must be deaf???

If M.F. doesn't fit into your taste, don't make further comments, don't insult M.F. owners. Have respect others systems and tastes. However, speaking with you like speaking like ''wall''. You will do the same in this forum and others as well. I thank god that I don't see you in marine aquarium (reef) forums. At least I can enjoy elberoth2 free atmosphere:)))
Enjoy with your system, don't bother us please.

I have just noticed, that this is your first post on Audiogon.

You prolly do not know then, that one of the biggest AudiogoN's assets, is freedom of speech. Everyone can express his opinions on any given product.

Kjgp asked about opinions, and I gave him mine. To make it complete, I even gave him details where I have heard it and how did it sound to my ears.

If you feel compelled to attack everyone who dares to have different opinion than you do, you should rather go back to your marine forums.