Detachable Head shell or Not?

I am in the process to up my game with some phono system tweaking.

I read in these forums of many people here with multiple arms, multiple cartridges and even multiple turntables.  I am guilty of this myself but moderately compared to so many phono hardware diehards here.

All the continued comments on Talea vs. Schroeder vs. Kuzma, Da Vinci, Tri-Planar, etc., etc, on these forums.  And the flavor of the day cartridge.  One easy way to manage the use of many cartridges, easily swapping between them, and getting down to one turntable would be to run with a tonearm that supports removable head shells or arm tubes.  And yet this does not seem to be widely done here.  Is everybody just too proud of all the pretty phono hardware to admire?

Many highly respected arms of the past, FR 64/66, Ikeda, and now Glanz, Kuzma 4-Point, the new Tru-Glider, all with removable heads.  And the Graham and Da Vinci with removable arm tubes.  These products have a huge fan base and yet there seems to be an equal number of those against any extra mechanical couplings and cable junction boxes, din connections, etc.

I can appreciate having two cartridges, one to bring out that addictive lush bloomy performance and another that shows off that clarity and detail “to die for”.  Being able to easily swap between the two, with hopefully only a quick VTF/VTA change, would be mighty nice.  If too painful a process, I can understand the need for two arms here;  like the idea of going through many LPs in an evening and not being obsessed with tweaking the arm for each.  I hope I never get obsessed to do get to that point.  But for different days/nights, to listen to different kinds of music, it could be mighty nice to swap out one cartridge for another in different head shells without the added cluster and cost of oh please, not another tonearm!.  Do a minute or two of tweaking, ONCE, for that listening session, and then enjoy.  There is always the added risk during the uninstall / install process to damage that prized cartridge.

Is running with a tonearm that has a detachable head shell all that sinful / shameful in the audiophile world ……. or not?  I’d like to hear from those who have achieved musical bliss with removable head shell arms and also from those that if asked to try such a product would likely say, “over my dead body”!



Just an update here.  After taking delivery of a Schroeder tonearm, I soon realized that this tonearm has a similar cartridge interchangeability as the Tru-Glider.  In the case of the Schroeder, the cartridge attaches to a plate which is then attached to the arm via one screw.  The screw is used to align the cartridge around the Z axis at the two null points on the protractor.  The Tru-Glider uses a detachable head shell and likely goes through a similar adjustment to the null points.  Both arms retain wire integrity from cartridge clips to RCA's.

As for my TT situation, both arms would sit on towers.  See my system setup for a view of this.  Swapping cartridges for both arms is quick and fussing with the high-risk process of mounting a cartridge with its screws.  Adjusting either arm's tower for the correct distance for the two null points takes only a minute or two as well.  This reminds me of the adjustable distance settings I have seen on the Feickert TT.

I have no experience with the Tru-Glider, but once the arm height is adjusted for VTA, it takes maybe 5 minutes to adjust the counterweight for back-n-forth VTF and Azimuth.  And then the setup is ready to play.  Total swap time here is about 15 minutes with the only vulnerability being the breakage of the cartridge clips if one gets rushed or careless.

The following is a copy and paste of a section of an earlier post I had made.

There is an update on this investigation further on in this post.  post that follows 


' The motivation to create this demonstration of New Wire Designs on the Tonearms   is solely created from my side, the Tonearm Designers are aware of the compromises that my suggestion to trial the wires can create, when an external mounted wire is used, they remain open minded about the demonstrations and are quite willing to experience my proposals and have already shared between each other a simple solution for mounting routing the Wires and a temporary shielding method, that if all the methods being selected work together, will alleviate the concerns for an unsuccessful demonstration completely. 

From a selfish perspective I am hoping for a PC Triple C or D.U.C.C Tonearm Internal Wiring, as the over the past year the whole of the system has progressively had New Wire Design Cables added, and is now set up with the same wire types being used at all other interfaces between devices, and PC's are the ongoing Cables being exchanged to the New Wire Types.


Today I have taken part in a phone conversation with the engineer who is producing the Tonearm that I am using.

Our models in use at present are not identical, as I have not had the modified SME Bayonet Headshell, that has a much improved coupling to the wand produced for mine.

I have heard my model in comparison to the SME Bayonet Headshell modified model, and have also had my preferred Cart' mounted onto the modified model.

There is a noticeable improvement with the modified Headshell in use, my own Cart' was being perceived for being able to offer an improvement in the preciseness of the details produced, and this is a cart' that is already very good at digging detail out. A longer listening period may have shown more of the improved capabilities of the modification.

This is a modification that I intend on having adding to my own arm. 

I have balked at booking the Arm in fro the mod' as there has been inroads made to the use of PC Triple C wire for internal wiring for the Tonearm.

I have had a very recent experience of this wire in use on the modified tonearm, which had got my attention further, even though I was assured there were a few foibles that were remaining to be overcome, as the sheath was not supple enough.

Today I was informed of a new sheath being used and the Tonearm is wired internally with PC Triple C Wire.

I was thanked for encouraging this line of investigation and was requested to visit to receive a demonstration.

The Engineer who has worked with this tonearm design for quite a few years has made it known they are extremely impressed and I should hear it in use myself.

He said he has no doubts in his mind why SAEC have chosen this wire type for their Tonearm.

I has taken a little bit of obsessional encouragement to get to this stage and the reports offered are very exciting.

I have another friend who is a producer of Tonearms and has been encouraged by myself to take part in these investigations, I am sure now the reports are as received they will adopt the methods used for the one that is now in use and looking to be quite a special item.    





'what tonearm offers both a continuous wire connection AND an interchangeable headshell? '

Kuzma 4Point arms all have detachable headshell and continuous wiring run from cartridge to phono - no joins.

Furthermore you can remove the arm tube completely with continuous wiring still attached to make attaching the wires to the cartridge pins easier after you have install the headshell alternate headshell.

Brilliant system.