Power Conditioner/Surge Protector Options

I know it’s not cables, but be I consider the discussion relevant snake oil to cables!…lol

Is there any reason why a Triplite LCR2400 shouldn’t perform just as competently as say an Audioquest Niagara or Furman Elite 15PFi?!

Tripp Lite LCR2400 Line Conditioner 2400W AVR Surge 120V 20A 60Hz 14 Outlet 12-Feet Cd https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000514M8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_0FVTE3YCY640SF8E64EC

I’m mostly interested in responses that have some scientific backing rather than your personal experiences (unless you are an EE, etc.). TIA!


This is very system and home dependent.  If possible I’d recommend trying a Niagara, Plixir, Audience, and Synergistic unit in your system and given your budget. Read reviews and try those that seem to coincide with your system/sonic preferences.  Buy used, then you can try all of them and re-sell at very little loss.  It’s so system and user specific, that’s the only way I’d go.  Best of luck. 

Thanks for the responses. I should preface my initial comment about  ‘science’ by saying that measurements aren’t everything (at least as far as our science allows today!), but a basis for why an manufacturer explored a particular design should be based on sound principles and not just properties that sound exotic but have little effect in the audio band. I’m not trying to start a war between believers and nonbelievers, but science is at the base of the equipment so explaining it scientifically should be possible. 
Also, where my rig is positioned there is only one outlet so plugging the Amp in directly is possible, but not practical, so having multiple plugin positions is also my challenge which would be solved by a Conditioner/Surge protector. 

I'm happiest with amp plugged into wall, and everything else into Furutech passive power strip...haven't found a conditioner yet, tried AQ, Audience, BPT and others...


I’m not sure of your budget so here is my opinion. I somewhat agree with what has been posted. But I gotta say the AudioQuest Niagara 7000 exceeds every type of conditioner that I have tried. In sound quality that is. And isn’t that what it all about with this hobby?

Look up what it consists of. Heck look at pictures of the internals, it is more than just a surge protector or a bias negotiator with plugs.

Up until this conditioner I also thought that the power amps sound better straight into the wall. But with the 7000, my mono block amps, subwoofers, even my 85" Samsung is better plugged into the big Niagara.7000.

No scientific backing just experience, exactly the opposite of what you requested, sorry.  Since you are a relatively new poster, don’t start off with a closed mind, try it.


Shunyata?  The hydra 6 I have owned for many years has performed flawlessly.