My favorites are custom-built linestages made by Aldo D'Urso, an Italian builder/designer. He uses mostly vintage parts, including Western Electric capacitors and transformers. I have one of his custom linestages that employs output transformers and uses Western Electric 310 and 348 tubes. The one concession to modernity is that he put in a motorized and remotely controlled volume pot to accommodate my laziness.
I have heard other models that he made that are extremely expensive and nice sounding. One has a pair of output transformers that, the transformers alone, cost about $20,000 a pair if you can find them.
Of slightly more commercial availability, I have heard and liked both the Audio Note (uk) M-10 and M-8 linestages and I also liked the Kondo M-10. Shindo also makes some good linestages. At a much lower price point, the top-of-the-line Atmasphere linestages sound good too.