length of interconnects for passive preamp

I understand that when using a passive preamp short interconnects are recommended. I have two questions before I purchase them: Does that short length requirement apply to both the ic between the source and passive as well as the passive and the amp? And regarding the length itself, is the shortest always best? I see that some companies offer a 1 foot or even 6" length - which I could use, although it would require some serious rearranging of my equipment; but will those very short lengths provide a noticeable improvement over a 1.5 meter or 2 foot ic? Not sure if there is a rule of thumb. Many thanks!

@majorc - In my rack, the minimum length of interconnect I could use due to shelf spacing is 1/2 meter (20"). So i use a 24" Custom cable for some added "wiggle room".

For a passive stage - I would want to use the very best cable possible to maximize signal transfer.

I highly recommend Zavfino cables like these two

  1. A cable that employs UP-OCC copper
  2. or their silver cable

Take a look at their website - they have great products

Hope that helps - Steve

Many thanks to all; I'll go with 1/2 meter. I did not realize the quality of IC mattered more with a passive preamp. The IC that was recommended was made with mogami 2549 cable and neutrik rean connectors.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing what improvement there is going from  3 meter to .5 meter. 


For a passive stage - I would want to use the very best cable possible to maximize signal transfer.

Can you intimate what “The very best” translates to in terms of specs?

@holmz - the cables I provided links too in my previous post are great examples of a very good commercial cables. There are better, but these provide best bang for the buck from a commercial brand

However the "specification" for the DIY cables I have developed (with the help of many others) would make an excellent cable because they employ

  • either UP-OCC solid copper or UP-OCC solid Silver signal wires
    • these are the best conductors available for DIY projects at present
  • With oversize Teflon tube insulation
    • the internal diameter needs to be 25% to 30% larger than the diameter of the wire
    • using an oversize tube allows an air gap between the wire and the Teflon
    • the resulting effective Dielectric Constant value is very close to air at 1.1
      • this produces a very low noise floor cable
  • UP-OCC solid copper Helix coil neutral
    • the Helix also helps lower noise floor of the cable
    • it minimizes induce noise between signal and neutral conductors
  • silver coated pure copper low mass RCA plugs
    • KLE Innovations Absolute Harmony
    • or Perfect Harmony RCA’s
  • see this link for the Helix DIY cables

The problem with Bulk cables is they employ a conventional cable geometry with insulation that are bonded to the wires. This all contributes to noise being generated by the actual cable.which clouds micro details

Bulk cables also tend to use OFC copper, but the best metal for the wire currently (i.e. for DIY purposes) is UP-OCC silver and UP-OCC copper

If you want to read aabout what others think of the Helix cables take a look at this thread


If you want to proceed with a bulk cable than I would recommend this one

Hope that helps - if you have any questions about the Helix design just ask - I;m glad to assist

Regards - Steve