Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions

Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps.


Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps.

HMMMM maybe there's a reason?

Since no price range was mentioned:
Arion Apollo 105db efficient AMT line array but are 4 ohm. 

Strictly speaking “highly efficient” means more than 100dB sensitivity, and there’s no way around that sans horns - indeed we’d be in all-horn territory here. If the 90-95dB sensitivity range will suffice - that is, it seems it must - that are some options. Have you considered Daedalus Audio?

Check out Reference 3A  i use their standmount speakers with my 4 watt tube amp Decware mini Torii and if it nice and loud in a 12 by 20 room

Flies under the radar as a Canadian company, but Verity Audio makes some of the best speakers I’ve ever heard and are also high efficiency.