Who actually heard the Infinity IRS?

I've been looking at the very high value Arion speaker and it's called to mind a vintage speaker, the Infinity IRS.  They are not the same speakers, but honestly I never actually got to even see an Infinity IRS in real life, let alone hear one.

I'm wondering if anyone has or even owns a quad (pair would be wrong) of them could talk about the sound quality and compare to anything today.


I heard them back in the late 80's. They could not cast an image worth a toot and we played with them for hours. Anybody can build a huge speaker that goes loud. Getting it to image is another matter entirely. The big Magnepans and Apogee Divas were much better speakers not that they didn't have problems. They certainly were not as powerful. We 911 nuts have a saying. It is not how fast you go but how you go fast. 

... The Servo-Static 1 and 2 does not contain ribbons, but rather are electrostatics with a dynamic woofer ...

I stand corrected, thanks @bdp24. It must have been the QRS that used the Strathearn ribbon drivers.

I had pair 02 in my home for 20 months way back when 


Wonderful Loudspeaker 


Thanks - Mark