Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

vair68robert - regarding your wire query - I'll contribute some personal observations. As Thiel's manufacturing director for the first 20 years, then as a purist recordist, and now in my product redevelopment/refinement undertaking, I have perhaps thousands of hours invested in wire assessment and experimentation. That makes me an interested amateur. Having access to aerospace considerations, research and solutions, and a longtime working relationship with Straightwire, I feel OK about commenting.

I had listed some rules from that accumulated experience. This geometry falls emphatically outside those rules. But its proponents have good cred, and their experience should not be minimized. They may have discovered a new way through the weeds of wire. The biggest question-mark for me is the extreme difference between positive and common conductors. Note that our audio signal is an alternating current application. Granted there are differences between signal + and common -, but nothing like DC which presents a clear one-way functional path. The Duelund Helix uses the common - conductor as a shield, which raises multiple technical issues for me as does the radically different conductor lengths and radiating field management between the pair.

Life does not afford the opportunities to run down every interesting approach. I'm not rejecting the possible efficacy of this wire, but it presents enough barriers of entry to keep it in my background - awaiting further input. Anybody heard or used it?

@tomthiel I've read my messages with Rob Gillum again and must admit that he didn't say there was nothing to be done if the problem were with the ferrofluid of the coaxes 

just sent him my broken coax today.. I'm sure he'll do a good repair job (I thought he could do with some practice..)



After giving it some thought I was thinking the same thing about the pos/neg length differences and how they would affect the sign wave timing .  Also after pricing out the wire I would want it became to expensive to consider trying as an experiment that may or may not work .

But reading about that cable design I discovered the Iconoclast cables designed by Galen Gareis a former Belden cable engineer , these cannot be DIY'ed .  they have a similar design to the Alpha Goertz in that the positive and negative are laying flat one on top of the other .  Not cheap but at under $1090 for 6 ft within reach .

Available from Blue Jeans Cable .