AR-2ax. On the Prowl. Typical Issues???

This discussion has me on the prowl for a pair of AR-2ax Speakers. 

Anyone have advice, what typically needs doing? What questions to ask? 

thanks, Elliott





I think you probably already know. Woofer surround, I don't recall if they were foam or cloth. Change caps in crossovers. Not very efficient but a darn good sounding speaker. To my knowledge, no problems with either midrange or tweeters, Just be sure to check and see if they are matched because they had a couple design variations. Good luck!

Legendary speakers that will become collector's pieces, if they are not already.

Good luck in finding a well looked after pair.




I remember going with my dad 1965 to buy AR 2ax, Fisher 500c, Dual 1019...I think by todays standards they are not very good speakers, but I do still have a pair for fun...I think it will be much easier to bring them to a shop for refurb rather than find a pair in great least I have not had good luck with vintage gear advertised as refurbished...

Yeah, my uncle gave me a pair. They were mushy and completely rolled off in the highs. If that’s what you’re after, go for it. My Pioneer HPM-100s made them sound like crap in comparison. Just my experience FWIW.  I still have my HPM-100s if you’re interested in classic speakers BTW. 

main system and office system are done (shown on this site).


these will go for my garage system, some sound, lots of memories when working down there. existing b&w move to the shop, the bostons in the shop become spare.