Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos?

I’ve found out about two or three cartridges in my price range of $3000 -$4000 that should work well within the limitations of my Luxman 505uX Mk II’s built in phono stage. The other cartridge is the Soundsmith "The Voice" MI cartridge. Next I’ve had to figure out which are also compatible with my VPI Classic 2’s JMW 10.5i tonearm (with or without the VPI two pivot mod).

I’ve been informed off my short list, the Hana Umani Red and the Lyra Kleos both appear to have the right specs to be appropriate candidates for use with the VPI JMW 10.5i, However the Soundsmith "The Voice" would have weight and/or compliance issues.

Have any of you advice as to which of either the Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos MC cartridges you might prefer? I’m pretty sure these are both excellent choices, but may have some differences you might be able to point out, I’m a bit disappointed the Soundsmith "The Voice" might not match up well with the VPI JMW 10.5i tonearm, but so it goes. Thanks for any advice and sharing your experience with either of these cartridges.



Daveyf, other’s concur with you about the Lyra Kleos needing a precise setup. That’s why I’m going to have a pro doing that job. I really have no way to know if the DIY setup I did wth my current tonearm and cartridge was spot on or miserable. I’ll not take that chance with Kleos.

When it comes time I’ll start as thread on tonearms to see what suggestions you all come up with on gimbal ones. Even the VPI models climb rapidly into the $4000 range. This is an expensive hobby. That’s more than the Classic 2 cost. I doubt I’ll ever upgrade the Classic 2 as I’ve other priorities in life and don’t buy lottery tickets.

And I’m surely hoping a tonearm upgrade won’t be necessary if I do upgrade the current VPI JMW 10.5i unipivot tonearm with the VPI dual pivot mod, Nice to hear your dealer has set up VPI turntables with Lyra cartridges with good results.


@skyscraper I would recommend getting away from VPI, and I would not invest in their mods (dual pivot).  I have owned three VPI tables over a 12 year period, and my opinion is VPI's engineering is half baked at best.  Their manufacturing and quality assurance is also a far cry from what a high end turntable manufacturer should be offering.  My current table is a Classic Signature with Benz Ruby Z.  When I upgrade (hopefully this year) I will be going with a Kleos as well, but I'll be looking to pair with a German Made table like AMG or Dr Feickert.  I wouldn't waste your money on the dual pivot mod.  It is another half baked mod and more hassle than it's worth.  If I were you, I would enjoy the Kleos on your table as-is, and start planning to get away from VPI.  The fact that your table is on a marble slab is helping to mitigate the uni-pivot shortcomings.  If you want to invest further, get a HRS platform.  You may find the HRS platform helps with draining airborne energy and will help keep energy in your rack from getting up to the turntable.  That should keep your uni-pivot arm more stable.  My 2C's.  Take it or leave it - I'm good either way.

Cbl117, you’re the second person I’ve heard say they thought the dual pivot mod was a hassle. What makes it so in your estimation? I read one person didn’t like that the second pivot point simply drags across the surface it rests on when in use. That person bought a mod to the dual pivot mod that replaced the pivot’s point with a small ruby ball bearing. My dealer said cueing was more difficult .with the mod in use for some reason. I’d appreciate if you could elaborate a little on what you don’t like about it to help me make a better decision on getting it or not. Opinions seem to be mixed. Thanks.

I’d like to upgrade to a table like you describe, But I can’t spend any more on equipment upgrades since my entire system was just replaced at great expense, far as my budget is concerned. So outside of getting the Lyra Kleos, which I really shouldn’t have spent money on, I’ve got to live within my means and enjoy what I have.


I'm using an Ortofon Winfield cartridge with my VPI .   I installed the 2nd pivot on the 10.5 which was an improvement....not a night and day, but certainly worthwhile.   I heard the bearing VPI which to me was not an improvement, but a lateral move.  They sounded much the same.

Stringreen, in what ways did the dual pivot improve your system? I’ve read a few things about improvements using it and would like to hear yours. Appreciate your impression of the bearing VPI., I assume you’re speaking of one of their FB gimbal models, They do have a couple of relatively inexpensive ones in the $500 range too. Thanks,
