This is from stereophile blog sound like vaporware to me.
bachMan's picture
Other Speaker Brands Bashing..... dc10audio??
Submitted by bachMan on October 29, 2012 - 8:51am.
It seems some in the industry are a little worried about this tiny Company dc10audio as aliases known to works for two other brands both showing on the same floor 4th floor as dc10audio continue to Bash the company on agon and here. We've heard from the experts that the room was one of the best at the entire show and even greats in the amplifacation business such as Kondo and Rogue said it was one of the best rooms.....Oh yeah, these guys don't make speakers! Are the other brands worried that dc10 is doing something new? Grow up boys take a chance and invent something...dc10audio did and guess what it works VERY WELL!
bachMan's picture
Other Speaker Brands Bashing..... dc10audio??
Submitted by bachMan on October 29, 2012 - 8:51am.
It seems some in the industry are a little worried about this tiny Company dc10audio as aliases known to works for two other brands both showing on the same floor 4th floor as dc10audio continue to Bash the company on agon and here. We've heard from the experts that the room was one of the best at the entire show and even greats in the amplifacation business such as Kondo and Rogue said it was one of the best rooms.....Oh yeah, these guys don't make speakers! Are the other brands worried that dc10 is doing something new? Grow up boys take a chance and invent something...dc10audio did and guess what it works VERY WELL!