Tax Returns: Nothing, a new DAC or... ?

Hello Audiogoners,

Tax season is upon us and perhaps for the second time ever I have filed my taxes on time.  My choices are:

  • Clear out my credit cards
  • A new DAC

I currently have a Mytek Brooklyn (orignal version) and am thiniking of a DAC which is a Roon endpoint, with a $5,000 budget.  I've never heard the Manhattan, or the Bricasti M5 but they are in my price point and feature set.

I really really like the Mytek Brooklyn .... but do you think in this price range I could find something that would make me pull out my card?

Or do I save my money and prepare for the end of days??


Hey @wideload stick with your Vandersteens a much more musical speaker than the Magicos IMHO. Heard both and Magico was very sterile sounding yes very even top to bottom but uninvolved. Just my opinion

@op…only since you asked, nuke the CC debt

@wideload With the Vandersteen 7 upgrade program to Extreme program underway, i expect many dealers might prefer to sell the 7 and order new Extreme… i would call around. Please note, i am biased as a 7 mk2 and 7 amplifier owner…blissfully immersive in the music…..

Best on your journey


I wouldn’t call Magico’s sterile... but cool, and smooth on the top end.

Still, given my multiple auditions of Magicos and the top end Vandersteen at a show, I’d stick with Vandersteen.

Don't know what speakers you have now, but treat the room before you upgrade speakers.

now that a used Manhattan ll can be had for under $4000 , you at least need to take a listen...