Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



But users report that the ground wire is perhaps even more significant than the grounding box.

interesting - what type of construction are they?


Thank you. As I stated early on in this thread, I still cannot understand what makes the grounding wires so expensive. I am using mostly solid .9999 silver 16-18 ga wire on my DIY boxes, but I do have 2 sets of the Entreq Atlantis cables on the Entreq box. And they are better than my solid silver wires. At least on the Entreq box.


So if you had a cathodic metal like silver on the outside of the box the voltage would want to flow back out if the inside had aluminum plates in a conductive medium inside. So this does not make sense from a galvanic circuit. 

Can't we just cut somebody's Entreq in two and we'll have our answers!

I have seen the insides of some of the Entreq units and it mostly looks like the insides of my DIY version. Only mine looks better...


interesting - what type of construction are they?

Physically massive. Material varies from cable to cable. Some copper, some silver

From Tripoint’s home page, scroll down to subsection grounding cables, you can see the different materials used in respective cables

Dalby Celestial

Lee keeps his exact recipe close to his chest, much like Per Oloff of Entreq☺