Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...

I'm old enough to remember Julian Hersch from Audio magazine and his very unscientific view that all amplifiers sounded the same once they met a certain threshold.  Now the site Audio Science Review pushes the same.

I call these views unscientific as some one with a little bit of an engineering background as well as data science and epidemiology.  I find both of these approaches limited, both in technology used and applied and by stretching the claims for measurements beyond their intention, design and proof of meaning.

Without getting too much into that, I have a very pragmatic point of view.  Listen to the following three amplifier brands:

  • Pass Labs
  • Luxman
  • Ayre

If you can't hear a difference, buy the cheapest amplifier you can.  You'll be just as happy.  However, if you can, you need to evaluate the value of the pleasure of the gear next to your pocket book and buy accordingly.  I don't think the claim that some gear is pure audio jewelry, like a fancy watch which doesn't tell better time but looks pretty.  I get that, and I've heard that.  However, rather than try to use a method from Socrates to debate an issue to the exact wrong conclusion, listen for yourself.

If you wonder if capacitors sound different, build a two way and experiment for yourself.  Doing this leaves you with a very very different perspective than those who haven't. You'll also, in both cases, learn about yourself.  Are you someone who can't hear a difference?  Are you some one who can? What if you are some one who can hear a difference and doesn't care?  That's fine.  Be true to yourself, but I find very little on earth less worthwhile than having arguments about measurements vs. sound quality and value. 

To your own self and your own ears be true.  And if that leads you to a crystal radio and piezo ear piece so be it.  In my own system, and with my own speakers I've reached these conclusions for myself and I have very little concern for those who want to argue against my experiences and choices. 



The only amps that don't have a sound are those that are turned off.

…and Benchmark’s amps. 




This seems to be an endless circular discussion. So let me cut to the chase. More expensive gear-- beyond a certain parts and build quality is bling, not better. 

I know plenty of high net-worth folks due to my line of work, and what I have noticed with respect to luxury purchases is pretty simple-- those that actually made their money -- a minority (about 80% of all wealth is inherited not earned)-- will spend on quality and, to a person, would never drop $50k on a DAC (it's stupid when you actually get into the costs and what's inside them) because they can "feel" that purchase-- they earned that money by actually working for it. So they care about what they're actually buying-- they tend to want quality over "bling".

A $100k amp, aside from the fancy case work, is no better than $5k-$10k amps of a similar power rating and type (SS or tubes). It's just a mixture of BS and bling.

Now those I'm friendly with that got their money the old fashioned way-- mom and dad GAVE IT TO THEM-- those folks will spend big on whatever the thing is-- a $50k wrist watch, a $300k car, or a $10k power cable, because to those that never earned it, there is very little difference between $5k and $50k when making a purchase-- in their minds it's all pretty much FREE STUFF!

The truth is, virtually no one, NO ONE, will be able to rank similarly spec'd amps from most to least expensive by judging the sound quality alone, assuming they fit the equipment profile of the rest of the components in that particular system.

No one will be able to price rank interconnect cables that range from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars each based upon sound quality. No one.

Everyone will hear differences. No one will be able to quantify those differences based upon price alone. No one.

I have offered to setup a test to prove this, but in fact this has already been proven over and over.

Just because you think you hear something does not make it so, and this is easily proven in tests. Ever heard of the placebo effect? It's real. So is confirmation bias.

Bottom line-- buy whatever you want to, but don't kid yourself that by spending the stupid money that you are getting or hearing better quality audio-- in fact this is almost never the case. You're hearing small differences that you will never be able to equate to the price (again assuming similar specs and a level of parts and build quality).

There are so many charlatans in this hobby that mark up their products to astronomical levels because they know this bias is real and that it can lead to some nice obscene profit margins-- and every business doing this will have an excuse for why they price gouge. $50k for DAC in a nice box that has maybe, MAYBE $5k worth of parts in it is, TO ME, a laughable rip-off that I would never waste my hard earned money on-- while to some of my friends, it's just a little something they bought with Daddy's (or grandma's, or their rich uncle's), money.

This hobby is supposed to be about the music, but it so often just becomes a pissing contest about whose bling is bigger.  Bling isn't bigger or smaller, it's just BLING.

To date, I've yet to see a tube amp measurement that does not look similar to the Black Line into the Stereophile simulated speaker load. Many speakers' impedance curves make the Simulated load look like a resistor.

Have you looked? As long as the speaker impedance does not go well below 4 Ohms, 15dB should be sufficient feedback to allow most tube amps to act as a voltage source within limits.

If the 15 dB of negative feedback was meant for discussion of the Melton MKT-88 tube amp

@toddalin I did not have the Melton in mind.

If a tube amplifier is able to act as a voltage source, how it does it is by cutting its power in half as impedance is doubled and not the other way 'round. This means that to get proper voltage response with some speakers and some speaker loads (aka Stereophile) you might have to use the 4 Ohm tap. You can see that this is one of the ways that tube power is more expensive than solid state power.

15dB is enough feedback that the output impedance of most transformer coupled amplifiers will be less than 0.1Ohm. Since most speakers do not need a damping factor of more than 10:1 (some need 20:1) you can see that this will work out just fine.

The problem IMO is that 15dB isn't enough feedback- it will add distortion of its own (mostly higher ordered, causing brightness and harshness) as a result. This is why feedback has a bad rap. But if you can get over the hump with enough feedback, then the circuit will be able to clean up those higher orders that feedback otherwise produces.