PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review

This is interesting. The testing concludes that the filtering inside of the actual electronics device is what matters and that this PS Audio product actually adds its own noise. Some irony.  


djones, silly analogy; not applicable at all.  With respect, you seem to always be so hell bent on sticking to the objectivist mantra that you miss the bigger point.  The audiophile pursuit, and obviously music, is first and foremost about listening; measurements always take a back seat.  That is the reason that the review is incomplete.  Important to remember that there is as much vested interest for the naysayer to NOT hear a difference in sound as there is for the delusional to hear it; whether there is actually a difference or not.  Of course, if the listener can’t hear then all bets are off.

Well, perhaps it’s not a very good analog. How about, ths thing could no more change the sound of an amplifier than change the resolution of your OLED TV. I agree the first and foremost pursuit is listening, I disagree that measurements take a back seat but are paramount in understanding the equipment I use to achieve this pursuit. It tells much more than some random flowery prose about lifted veils and darker blacks. What I don’t get is those hell bent on subjective opinions opineing how hearing with your ears is the summit while never really trusting their ears without using their eyes as well. Of course if you can’t really hear without sight ....


Edit: Yeah, it is supposed to new and improve my TV as well. 

It tells much more than some random flowery prose about lifted veils and darker blacks.

But my wife heard it from the other room!!

Man, this whole thing reads like lawsuit material......

Doesn't sway my thinking one way or the other.....other than I'm thinking I should run a website where people sit around and listen and compare stuff......see if it sounds better in a particular system or not......I dunno. That sounds like fun.

I kind of find these kinds of negative reviews/scientific finding crap "cheapens the experience" if that makes sense. Potshots at a small business. I don't care for it.


My issue with this review and many other of his on ASR is it’s always about noise. That’s just one aspect of things.  This unit is advertised to keep as close to perfect wave for power. Feed it some junk and see what comes out. Also burst some hard play passages. What happens.  None of that. No listening comparisons. Just a crappy review.