An electrical engineer on how power cables can impact sound quality

Sharing an fascinating discussion of how the design of power cables can impact sound quality of an audio system from an electrical engineer that does analog design for audio equipment.

The HiFi Podcast with Darren and Duncan / Radio Frequency: The 800MHz Gorilla

The discussion of how power cables can impact sound quality starts at 80 minutes into the podcast

From the Podcast:

"If you have an engineering degree and you’re hearing this and you’re shaking your head and you’re saying this is nonsense, my response to you is that you’re logical. Based on what you have learned, I completely understand your response, but unfortunately, the way that power cables operate is not the way that we were taught in electrical engineering necessarily."

"Power cables were always thought of as series devices. If we add this 2 meter power cable to 2 miles of powerline, why does this 2 meter power cable make a difference?"

An intro into the theory behind why power cables work from the podcast:

"The power cable is not necessarily a series element of a system. The parallel elements [of a power cable] and way they interact with RF in the room in a common mode sense to ground is incredibly important." [Meaning in parallel to ground]

My paraphrase of the rest of the discussion. They get into far more detail: The configuration and materials used in a power cable matter because they affect a cable’s capacitance which in turn changes the cable’s impedance. Most importantly, the change in impedance impacts electrical signal differently across the frequency spectrum.

Two ways to get more details on this:

  1. Listen to the podcast starting at 80 minutes into the podcast. The discussion of how a cable's design impacts its ability to shunt RF to ground starts right there.
  2. Send a question to the hosts of The Hi Fi Podcast. You can find their email on their website.

Credentials of the creators of The Hi Fi Podcast:

Darren is the designer of many products for Boulder’s PS Audio brand, most recently known for Stereophile’s choice as the 2020 “Analog Component of the Year,” the PS Audio Stellar Phono preamplifier, and the incredibly well-reviewed new Stellar M1200 tube hybrid mono amplifiers.

With a career as an analog and digital circuit designer spanning two countries and several of the most well-known brands, Darren brings much experience to the table. He earned his EE and worked for both Bowers & Wilkins and Classe Audio before coming to Colorado, and also, before turning 30.

He is the designer of the PS Audio Stellar Phono phono preamp

Duncan has recorded 150+ bands, has published 450+ articles, columns and blogs and is an experienced DIYer when it comes to audio equipment and speakers. He met Darren when working as the Retail Sales Manager of Boulder’s PS Audio, and the two collaborated on an audiophile recording and concert series called “Invisible Audience,” not to mention the weekly hikes in the mountains. He is a mastering engineer, cable designer and musician, avid fly fisherman, bike polo enthusiast, husband and dad in his “free time.”

But what truly gives him a useful perspective for the podcast is his day job as a testing technician for the world’s largest online re-seller of high end audio, The Music Room. Over years in this role, he has listened to and evaluated thousands of the finest products from all over the industry and throughout high end audio’s extensive history.


I do not question whether power cords can improve audio system performance. As John Atkinson once said, ‘that way lies madness’. 

My concern with this whole schtick is that power cords can only offer marginal difference, if at all. The absurd prices people pay for power cords boggles my mind. Yes I know, each to his own, its a free world and all that. But the vast majority simply can not afford to be so wasteful. Up to perhaps a couple of benjamins, well okay then. But beyond that, better to take that money and put it towards better pre / amplifier, DA or analogue source, speakers, interconnects etc.

Let's forward the Podcast to the thousands of sound technicians and engineers out there who produce music using mostly regular power cables.

@erik_squires Shorter version of this: Use shielded power cords.

How dare philistine!! This is a discussion by audiophiles. None of this KISS doctrine of yours may be entertained in such polite and erudite company ;-)

Darren at PS Audio is smart, no doubt. But as an electrical engineer myself, and a mechanical engineer also, Darren makes no sense.

If RF was really a problem in the 2-meter power cord, then everyone would have to turn off their phones when powering up their audio gear. The impedance of a 2-meter power cord to 60 Hz is nothing! I’ve measured the capacitance of my cords, also inductance. About 15 nanoFarads. 17 microHenries. Do the math!! Even pulling 30 amps, 120 vac, there isn’t enough impedance on my 10 AWG cord to make any difference at all!! And any RF is measured in femtowatts! 

Sorry, but Darren is smoking way too much Colorado weed, and overselling PS Audio’s premium power cable! He needs to just sit down, shut up, and stick to his circuit design tasks!

Paul McGowan makes the case for braided power cable. He too needs to sit down, chill out, and stick to selling his Octave Records and FR30 speakers.

Just a bunch of horse shite.

All of these battles between the believers and the naysayers are ridiculous.  Amazon permits free returns on the Pangea Audio AC 9SE MKII Signature Power Cable and probably other cables as well.  Buy one and try it in your system.  See if you can hear a difference or not.  Keep it or return it.  Easy.

Personally, I have gone from a cable skeptic to a believer, albeit with a careful attention to budget since cables are clearly one of the most overpriced audio components.  And the reason I have changed my mind is because I have heard the improvements that cables can make in my system.  Maybe it is all in my head but I have carefully done A/B tests on everything I have decided to keep.  And I understand all the tricks of confirmation bias and psychoacoustics so maybe it is all just in my head but I don't think so.

And I have had friends come over with a box of random interconnects and damn if you can't hear an audible difference between each one.

Does it make sense, no I'm not going to argue that.  And I certainly wouldn't argue that whatever differences I'm hearing will show up in Audio Science Reviews testing.  But being a pure objectivist without subjecting that belief to listening seems very irrational.