Need speaker for a small space and close to wall

We are moving and I need to rethink my system for an 8 foot wall. The room is small and requires me to have the speakers within 12 inches of the wall. Listening position will be 9ft from the speakers and 2 feet from the rear wall. Budget is $3000. Amplification will adjust accordingly. I listen to all kinds of music. Lots of jazz, lots of folk and goth/electronica and soundtracks and throw in some rap and latin music.
Revel Performa M22 speakers have a switch on the back for near wall placement.
Please checkout the Von Schweikert VR-22, VR-33, and VR-35. These were designed specifically to be placed close to walls. You can find the VR-35 used here on A'gon for under $4000.00.

Good Luck.
Stick with something smaller so as too not overload the room with bass.Smaller Dynaudio's(Focus 110's or Excite 12's) can REALLY rock(or Rap)out when fed properly,sound great with ALL types of music & wouldn't overload a small room.While I haven't had an opportunity to demo them yet I would think a pair of the PMC DB1i's would also work quite well.Looking forward to seeing what you end up with so please update us when you complete that new system...