What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?

With all the debate on this piece of equipment is better than that, it got me to thinking… What setup do well respected musicians have, e.g. amps, speakers, etc.  What does Wynton Marsalis listen to, for example?  Just curious and thought it might be a fun topic. 


@wolf_garcia Plus, most of today's major musicians use in-ear monitors on stage, rehearsals, etc. The days of "big honkin" amps and monitors blasting in your ears are few and far between. Sure, you will see rows of giant Marshall stacks on stage. Most are props

@wolf_garcia. I am simply reflecting my own experience of my interactions with other musicians over a period of over forty years.

Yes I did read your post - is your comment about musicians and money not a generalisation in itself?

As it happens I agree with you.

On your last point, it is not a question of "retaining hearing", but of retaining the capacity to listen discriminatively having suffered significant amounts of NIHL - which I agree that at least some people can do.

However, I've also listened to a good few recordings where it's pretty obviously that the engineer's ears were shot in the 2-4k range and their eq decisions reflected that.

Steve Hoffman is an audiophile. He has a house full of Audio Note UK: From an OTO all the way through the six figure stuff. Most I believe is on long term loan.

Yoyo...It's not engineers but the producers who have the last call on the sound of a recording, so the 2-4k range issue isn't a thing for engineers as it's the producers and mastering technicians who would notice anything like that during final mixdown and mastering. Also, the range of hearing loss is generally in higher frequencies than the 2-4k you claim...more often 10k and above. So the "few recordings"  where you hear the supposed issue is something else...ear wax buildup maybe? My comment about musicians and money is based on fact and certainly NOT a generalization, as I'm actively professionally involved in the music biz and have been since the late sixties.

I don't want to prolong this in an unnecessary tit for tat but I do feel compelled to respond on three points.

1. I said that I have listened to a "good few recordings i.e. many - not a "few recordings". Perhaps I was being too understated in my post. By the way, I have my ears tested regularly so I know exactly what the state of my hearing is. It's completely normal for my age. Thankfully, I have always used ear protection when being exposed to loud music and I'm careful in the levels I listen and monitor at.

2. There is a significant amount of literature about noise induced notch deafness. I respectfully suggest that it's worth a read if you are not familiar with it.

3. Lengthy involvement in the music business lends weight to your anecdotal evidence but it does not render it fact  - c.f. appeal to authority logical fallacy.