Does Furutech lose effectiveness over time?

Good evening everyone - I have a Furutech Destat III that I have used for 2 or 3 years. It still seems to be doing it’s job of removing static from my records. However, I have started to wonder if after treating so many record sides or after X amount of time does it lose it’s effectiveness?

I will appreciate any thoughts, especially from Destat users. 

Thank you in advance. 


@benjie quick question, once an album has been destated and then you drop the needle on the album how many rotations does it take before the album has the same static build up if measured by your meter? Seems to me static would build up quickly.

@rsf507  You can not measure the surface with the record rotating. The meter is not able to get and accurate reading with the record spinning. What I have measured is the record is neutral when placed on the platter. Play that side and then take another measurement after the album has finished playing and I get readings of .002, to  008. Very small amount of static charge. Now here is the interesting part, remove the record from the platter and take readings again, +4.5 to +15.7 static charge on the surface of the record. It varies from record to record but you definitely pickup static charge again on the record surface after removing it from the platter.

Do you measure static after or before cleaning (if you do it each time) a record? My habits for old or new records is:

- washing with the Degritter machine 

- using (on hand not on the TT) the Furutech Destat

- cleaning with AudioQuest brush on the platter

- using the HiFi Flux Turbo 2.0

Then I start listening to.

IMO the most effective results come from cleaning. It seems that click and pops may almost disappear. If I use only the Destat III clicks and pops reappear after one or two tracks spinning.

Actually, thanks for the question and input folks,  I was wondering the same thing with my Destat III, cheers. 

@lucapelliccioli  I measure static after the record is cleaned. I use an ultrasonic cleaning method also. I only clean my records once, not every time I play them. They are stored in anti-static record sleeves. Most pops and clicks are from dirt and dust material in the record grooves. The Destat will not remove this.