Frequency Response

Would you use a sub if your speakers only went to 45Hz? Should you always use a sub? 


@rixthetrick - I am pondering speakers that go to 45Hz - I haven't heard them live yet but I like the design.  My current speakers go to 35Hz - so its just a thought.  As always in this hobby - you have opinions on both sides of the argument.  I haven't used my ears yet to make a decision but thought it might make for a good discussion.

not personally, depends entirely on whether you think you have enough bottom end, nothing else..

45hz could be adequate for most music if the frequency response is flat at 45 hz and started to roll off at that frequency. I doubt that it is but you must factor in the roll off when doing comparisons. Some speakers that say they go to 45 hz actually start to roll off much higher and you would certainly need a sub for decent bass.

Also consider what 35hz really means as well.......

Also consider what you might accomplish, bass wise, by placing your speakers to take advantage of bass nodes in your room.


For me 36 Hz can be low enough to not need a sub but 20Hz is a lot better on those recordings that go that low. 

It depends upon how the loudspeaker was measured, your taste in music and how loud you listen.  I'll tell you why if you divulge the name of the loudspeaker and the size of your listening room.