Best MC Cartridge Pairing for Technics SL-1210 GAE?

Hi all,

What are some solid MC choices for the 1210gae? I am currently using an Ortofon Bronze with a Lehmann Black Cube SE II phonostage. However, I just ordered a Manley Chinook SE MK II from Upscale Audio, and so am considering upgrading my cartridge to an MC. The budget would be no more than $1200, but I’d prefer to stay around $1000.

I should also note that my entire system is tubed: I have an Octave V70se integrated with Black Box; a Prima Luna Evo 400 integrated; a Prima Luna Evo 100 all-tube DAC; and (now) a Manley Chinook all-tube phonostage. My speakers are Harbeth P3ESR-XDs (driven by the Octave) and Harbeth C7ES-3XDs (driven by the Prima Luna). I have a REL t5x with the P3s and a REL t7x with the C7s. 

Since this is my first foray into MC, I’m not sure which brands to check out. Around Chicago there are a few dealers that offer (among others): Benz, Hana, Sumiko, EAT, ClearAudio, Ortofon, Grado, Gold Note, Koetsu, Lyra, Rega, and Soundsmith.

I find the look of the wooden body cartridges very appealing, but not sure if they pair best with the 1210gae.


Any help would be very much appreciated!


I have tried many MM and MC cartridges on my Technics table. Then I tried a DS Audio 003 optical cart. I was so smitten by this sound I then bought the DS Grand Master and I’m set forever. This is the best sound I’ve ever heard from a TT period.

Dear @jmolsberg : Yes, but it’s out @undefined budget for more than the double. I think that the ART 9 is a way solid alternative for him.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
