Where did he go?

Where is "Chakster?"


@billwojo Please do update us. I never bought anything from him..but i certainly considered it. He has a deep knowledge of the various Grace cartridges in particular. Additionally, any critic of the Russian government is a friend of mine…


 His profile here does show suspended, he ran into some issues on

another forum and had a quite long thread deleted around the same 

time he last posted. 



Just heard back from Chakster, he is well, but suffering because of the events. All commerce in or out for him is halted, no way to transfer money anymore.

He said not to try and contact him on this site, he can't reply. He is on Vinyl Engine but has not been posting lately, just not in the mood for music or his beloved hobby. He is chakster45 over at that site.

I miss his contributions here, he was one of the posters who had a good grasp on things. Seems like one of the regulars lodged a complaint to the moderator and that got him banned. Shame on you! We might not all share the same opinions, have the same financial resources or live in a society that favors individual rights but we all have the same love for this hobby.



So Bill, which is it? Is he absent because banned or because depressed?i think he is courageous in a way and at a time in history where it counts.


Just heard back from Chakster, he is well, but suffering because of the events. All commerce in or out for him is halted, no way to transfer money anymore.

Thanks for the update, @billwojo. It's good to know he's ok and I'm sure we all wish him the best. I can't imagine what he's having to endure.