An audiophile dilemma

A friend of mine just bought the JBL PRX635 stage speakers and they sound just great!
These are not the typical high end speakers that are in demand among audiophiles and they cost far less than their high end siblings.
Sometimes I wonder if all the money is well spent, because for far less $$ someone can become an owner of a pair of these JBL's and be happy for the rest of his life.
Are those high end (and very expensive) speakers really better than the JBL's?

Compared to the typical audiophile manufacturer JBL/Harmon have massive amounts of resources devoted to R&D. Because of this they are capable of producing very high quality, cost effective components. I would recommend highly their current production passive 3 way studio monitor (LSR6332) costing slightly over $3k. Honest performance at a reasonably price. Why wouldn't that appeal to audiophiles?
Unless you desperately seeking the approval of others, you should buy what you like. (Even if you admit your likes and dislikes are swayed by popular audiophile opinion, you should still know that you'll never get 100% consensus -- there will always be some audiophiles who think you're an idiot for choosing any particular piece of gear.)

The problem is there are endless variables to consider in speaker design. The characteristics that impress me may be meaningless to you.

That's not to say you shouldn't remain open to new ideas, but just don't accept them automatically because someone said so.

So, give the JBLs several good, long listens. If they still impress you as the best option in that price range for you, go for 'em.
There is no dilemma in an absolute sense; far more capable (and yes, far more expensive) speakers are abundant.

The dilemma may be fiscal, prompting a desire to believe that inexpensive or cross-application (these JBL's are for P.A. applications with plywood cabinet and Class D - I'm sure not too svelte - amps) speakers are every bit as good as elite products. :)