looking to match a new speaker to ARC REF75se

hey there 

I just sold my vandersteen 2ce (which were pretty old)

Im looking to pair a new speakers(looking for used) to my ARC 75SE .

any suggestion?

I have also a good deal for new VANDERSTEEN 2ce signature III



The standard match would be Sonus Faber. I have all Audio Research components and Sonus Faber speakers… my third set of Sonus… upgrading twice. They are a great match if you want highly musical, natural, detailed, good sound staging. 

Reach as far up as you can, used will get you further. I am listening to my Amati Traditional at this moment… a Cuban band… incredibly beautiful.

First and foremost, what is your budget?

What kind of music do you listen to?

What kind of sound quality characteristics do you seek?

What kind of sound quality characteristics do you want to avoid?

How big is your room?

How loud do you play?

I've had a Ref 75SE for 2 weeks--great amp!  It's got drive and is well balanced so I think it could work with a lot of different speakers.  Depends what you're going for.  I am currently using it with Totem Tribe Towers in a somewhat compact space.  Like the ARC amp, the speakers are detailed but even keeled.  Fed by an MSB Analog DAC, I'm quite happy.

proacs, big spendor classics, sonus fabers are well known good matches with reference series arc tube amps...


Vandersteen. Thiel Audio and Wilson Audio are  sonic matches as well.


Happy Listening!