Cullen Cable

Has anyone had any experience with Cullen Cable in the last 3-3 1/2 months? Have been waiting on a couple XLR cables for appx that long. Wanted to order a power chord and RCA interconnects as well...but now i am hesitant.
I’ve haven’t seen any bad reviews for Patrick at Cullen Cables...ones that would indicate that a 3+ month wait isn’t normal. But haven't seen anything that tells me it is either. 

Lowrider...good to hear. I looked on the wyred site and there was no mention of his stuff.

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pat cullen is rick’s son

rick is head tech at w4s, not sure if he is part owner with e-j... rick built a name modding gear at his own shop called cullen circuits, among his good work are well modded, nice sounding dacs like the ps audio d-link, among others

pat makes cables aside from any involvement at w4s

excellent high value high performance cables, no b-s, they just sound great