looking to match a new speaker to ARC REF75se

hey there 

I just sold my vandersteen 2ce (which were pretty old)

Im looking to pair a new speakers(looking for used) to my ARC 75SE .

any suggestion?

I have also a good deal for new VANDERSTEEN 2ce signature III



First and foremost, what is your budget? 3000$( aiming for used)

 What kind of music do you listen to?rock jazz calssic . alternative( welll list go on and on) I guess i need to aim for something pretty versatile

What kind of sound quality characteristics do you seek? detailed seperation .. tight bass musical deep soundstage not too harsh not laid back. and pretty netural sound.

What kind of sound quality characteristics do you want to avoid? not too bright treble .

How big is your room? its fairly small atm..  can take them our from the back wall only 2 feet max and then have 7 feet away from them

)?(How loud do you play? medium


some 1 selling them near to my location but he want a bit overprice on them. do you think the will be better invesment than the 2ce signature III?

honestly I can get the vandersteen for lower price.

also what about herbath.. i want to get hear some are they good syngrgy with arc?

if you like the sound of your vandys stick to them, esp if you prefer to spend less

the proacs will sound more incisive more intimate but still with warmth and magic to the voices, mid bass will be cleaner faster, deep bass maybe a touch better

harbeths, depends on which model... overall they have a warmer rounder presentation, closer to your vandy alternative