Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes

Two years ago - March 2020 we were hoarding toilet paper. Fast forward to March 2022 - we are hoarding vacuum tubes. Oh, how times change.



No judgements from me. I have been buying ammunition at a steady rate for the last 3 years. 

Many seemingly intelligent people have been srockpiling ammuntion in preparation for one hundred of the last zero invasions. I guess being extra prepared makes them feel good?

I spent $750 on glass in the last couple of weeks.....   no way my gear will be boat anchors in my lifetime....     fortunately I paid pre embargo prices.   I bought a replacement set of tubes for my headphone amp, 2 sets for my mono amps, 2 sets for my pre., a back up spare 12at7 for my back up preamp.....  yesterday I bought 4 pair input tubes for a 300b I having built for a total of 8 pair....   8 rectifiers.... should have all the bases covered for a while.   


Before all this started,I had scored enough tubes to run 2 tube preamps for the next 15 years.  Worst case,I may end up having to eat them. Which signal tubes are the tastiest??