You could use a switch that uses a 12V trigger to switch between the two.
bi-amping with Tube and SS amp
Bi-amping question:
Is it possible to use a tube amplifier to run my HT speakers without disconnecting HT SS amp?
In other words, can I connect a tube amp to my L R channel using top binding posts and use the tube amp for music. The HT amp will be off but remain connected via bottom posts.
@ei001h I am not an electrical engineer, but I wouldn't connect to amplifier together with speaker cables which is essentially what this would be doing. I doubt amplifiers have a lot of circuit protection from this type of load. |
@mceljo is correct. You need a switcher with built-in dummy load to connect both tube amp and HT amp to your speaker. Amplifier-Receiver-Speakers-Selector-Switcher The resistor dummy load is to protect the tube amp’s output transformer from damage if accidentally switch the tube amp disconnected from speaker while the tube amp still turn-on. |