Record Static Charge Affecting Vertical Tracking Force (VTF)?


This winter, I've been experiencing a lot of static charge build up on my records after using various brushes. So much so, that I frequently hear a crackling sound when I lift the record off the platter and the record mat clings to the record. (The relative humidity in winter in my house varies between low 30's to high 40"s percent.) I live in San Francisco and it has been a very dry winter!

Several days ago prior to listening, I brushed the record and the resulting static build up was so great that it pulled the tonearm across the platter when I picked up the record to use a destat device  on it. Fortunately, the arm lift was raised so the stylus did not drag across the platter.

Afterwards, I started wondering  that if the static charge is great enough to attract a tonearm, then how much downward force is added to the VTF?  Also, how much of a charge is needed for this to occur? Using some sort of static charge eliminator device prior to playing a record should eliminate this potential.

It make me wonder how often and how much the VTF increases due to static charges when the record has not been subjected to static charge removal prior to listening?




As dover alludes, yes it can. How much depends on several factors that can not be predicted like the magnitude of the charge.

1st off make sure the phonograph chassis is connected to HOUSE ground which may or may not be phonostage ground. You have to check with a meter. 

Use anti static record sleeves like the ones supplied by MoFi or Sleeve City. Paper sleeves are handily the worst.

Make sure your records are completely discharged before, during or after play. I use a conductive sweep arm that discharges the record during play like this one


There are much more expensive ones out there but they do not do the job any better and are so long they will not fit under a dust cover.

You want as low an impedance to ground as you can get. The carbon bristled record brushes would be great except the person holding the brush is not connected to ground and even if he was his impedance is several megaohms. To make these work drill and tap a small hole or you could drill and use a self tapping  screw. and use a long wire to connect it to house ground then swipe the record before and after play. This is way more effective than the ionizing static killers which I personally do not like. The sweep arm not only kills static but it also sweeps any incidental dust away from the stylus. As long as they are clean they will track right along with the tonearm. I clean mine with brake cleaning fluid once in a blue moon.