What would you do?

I just received a pair of speakers that I have been waiting 6 months for delivery on. One of the mid drivers cone is dented probably because the manufacturer forgot to put plastic protectors they normally use to avoid these issues. My dealer offered to come to my house and replace the mid drivers in both speakers. Is this acceptable? Should I get a new pair of speakers? They cost me $50,000.00.
Thanks to all for responding and putting thought into my situation. The dealer is going to come and install the new drivers and I am pretty certain assuming things go ok that it will be fine.

Thanks again.
".....even if the manufacturer made a mistake and did not put all the packing materials in place, the person who is responsible for fixing this mess is the dealer. He's the one who made the sale, and a portion of that sale was his profit. Simply put; he's getting paid to deal with this. Thats why they have dealers in the first place."

I agree. If your new car had a problem you wouldn't demand the manafacturer step in to resovle it would you. That's what the dealer is for.
Zd542 - there is still a question as to whether the dealer is authorized to make this repair, has the ability to make this repair, and can guarantee the results and can guarantee the warranty. The manufacturer can answer those questions. What do you do if 2 years from now another problem happens and the manufacturer refuses the warranty work because an unauthorized person worked on it. That probably will not happen with a reputable dealer, but i would check anyway. If the manufactures recommendation is to have the dealer do it, then I would go ahead with that. But I would contact the manufacturer for a recommendation on how to proceed. Sounds like the OP is going ahead with the dealer fix, which probably will work out fine. I personally would still call the manufacturer or distributor.
For that price the driver manufacturer, the head of operations and the CEO/President, should visit you personally, install the replacement drivers as matched pairs, sit with you and listen critically for several hours to make sure everything is well, and take you out to dinner before departing so that you will feel that you made the best choice.

I would not have the dealer involved in this.
I purchased a pair of speakers for about half the OP's. A few months after I got them the mid bass driver failed. They were to heavy to bring back but there technician said he would come out and replace it. Well time went on and one day when I was in the shop the technician saw me, said he was very busy, asked me if I new how to solder and handed me the driver. I though it was a bit strange at first but am happy that it was fixed without expense to me.