djones, I don’t understand why you find it necessary to personalize matters; and in a contentious way. Apparently, my opinion on the subject strikes a chord that causes defensiveness and the use of sarcasm in you. Why does it bother you so that my opinion differs from yours? Defensiveness is usually a sign that on some level a person knows that there is truth in the “objectionable” comment.
Now, please explain where in what I wrote did I say anything about using ONLY one’s ears? Let’s try it again, shall we?
+++. **** We use the tools at our disposal to assess and make decisions. Some do it better than others …… **** - mapman
…. and this includes the best tool of all, our ears. +++
Notice that I wrote “includes”. Inclusion is not exclusionary. However, I do believe that of ALL the tools available our ears are the best guide. Why shouldn’t they be? Ultimately, we LISTEN to the sounds that our gear reproduce, no? And, yes, some do it better than others.
So, why don’t you take a chill pill and let others have their opinions; and, if you must, debate without sarcasm. Or, is all this a bit of cross-thread grudge?
**** I am always amazed of the hilltop pontificating about use your ears yet nobody seems willing to do so. ****
If you only knew.