The panic selling of tube audio had begun.

I think it is a bit crazy. I run tube gear sometimes 12 hours a day and hardly ever have to replace any tubes. My tube amplifiers have been mostly as reliable as stones and maybe more so than my SS gear since I've had failures with that. And none with any of the 70 or so tube amps pres etc I have owned over the last 35 years. I design loudspeakers so run my amps much and have to have a wide selection of types. Still while sad for those who panic easily it's an opportunity to pick up low priced tube kit and after a week or so I will most likely be making some lower offers on ads till I get a bite. So if thinking of selling your tube gear because you feel no more tubes ever please do so I have my eyes on a few amps maybe it will be yours.


I just wonder what will happen to prices when supply chains return to normal. They certainly won‘t return to pre- sanction levels.

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My comments may seem a little extreme.  They are based upon my beliefs of what I see unfolding.  I will not try to beat anyone over the head with what I believe.  We are all given the free will to choose.  For me,there is no panic whatsoever.  

I don’t own any tube/valve gear/kit. But I have around 2500 audio tubes, NOS NIB. Got them in wood crates from a dump in 1990. All USA or European. From a warehouse that closed down and was leveled for new construction. Crates say Sherwood on them. So no panic buying/selling for me!