What is your favorite cover?

There are many great covers, such as Mr. Tambourine Man,by the Byrds.  I'm curious about everyone's favorite.


Slightly off-topic is a never recorded fantasy cover of the Garbage tune "I'm Only Happy When It Rains".

I can hear Johnny Cash sing it like it was written for him.

@ozzy - Cool! I hope you really enjoy it! There was another one that Kingdom Come did called 'Galactic Zoo Dossier' that is well worth a listen. A number of years ago, there was a live performance of the Pretty Things' 'SF Sorrow' at Royal Albert Hall or someplace, and Arthur did the narration....

@notlistening - Indeed! Most of those covers on those Rick Rubin- produced Johnny Cash albums sound like they were written for him! My favorite might be 'The Mercy Seat', which is great whether Nick or Johnny sang it. That would be a good cover, 'Only Happy...'. 

This is a great, albeit somewhat ambiguous, thread.  I was int the process of laying my record jackets out on the floor(and had some real contenders) before I realized that it is about cover songs and not album covers. Corrected and contrite, I submit:  Marianne Faithful's cover of "Madame George" as my very favorites.