+1 for Raul’s advice. The earlier Denons in the "thousand" series, DP3000, etc, did not have quartz-locked servo control. The later 2-digit series, DP47 on up to DP75 and DP80 do have that, and you want that feature. The DP75 and DP80 are the best of that later series, with the unobtainable DP100 at the top. DP100 is a very large studio type machine with a huge motor. I own a DP80; subjectively it is remarkably good for the cost, even now at somewhat higher cost compared to when I bought mine. The one thing you want to be aware of: the platter has what looks like a piece of recording tape lining the inner rim of the platter. That needs to be in perfect condition for proper speed control; there is a stationary device that reads the speed continuously by monitoring that piece of tape, and makes corrections when needed. Electronics can be repaired, but so far as I know that tape can be a problem if badly damaged.
Actually, now that I see the current prices in the auction that Raul quoted, it's a steal if you can get either TT at near that price. BUT caveat emptor about that tape liner on the platter.