PS Audio? Rega? Benchmark?

Not getting much action on my BAT 300X-SE so I may have to keep it (Life's a BITCH!).
I'm very excited about the current state of "affordable" redbook digital so I'm seeking opinions regarding:

-PS Audio Digital Link III
-Rega Saturn (or Apollo)
-Benchmark DAC (now with USB input)

Mainly interested in the musicality among these three.
Faithful detail retrieval, imaging and accurate soundstage are also paramount.
Recent TAS article says the Digital Link III makes redbook issues sound "essentially equivalent to their SACD counterparts".
I'm intrigued.
Barrelchief: Thank you for your comments. I have been reading a lot about the PS Audio and the Monarchy DAC. I am looking forward to your comparison of these two. Just a thought - the Lite Audio DAC 62, modded by Pacific Valve, looks very similar to the Monarchy, but without the pre-amp section. However, I think they use different DAC chips. Pacific Valve ( has a 30-day trial period. If you're curious and want to save some money (the Lite Audio is a few hundred less than the Monarchy), you might want to look into it.
I’ve heard everything your considering and in my rig with the exclusion of a Benchmark that I heard in two different systems. I wasn’t particularly impressed with the PS Audio Digital Link III. I got it on loaned from a friend and we both had similar feelings; not something either of us would buy. I sold the Apollo to upgrade to the Saturn. IMO, the Saturn is the best sounding source on your list. I thought the Benchmark DAC was just OK and nothing really special. In fact, I liked the Apollo more.
Oneafter909: Interesting observations.

I was trying to buy a Data Link-III but PS Audio is backlogged until late May so I canceled.
Did you try the DL-III in balanced mode?
I've heard glowing reviews from the press and 'Gonners for both Benchmark and PS Audio units.

Maybe you and your friends are just very tough customers (a good thing).

I'd go for the Saturn, as I'm sure it's a marvelous player, but the $2000 price range kind of makes me dizzy at this point in time. I'm trying to tread water until the first HDMI 1.3 A/V players, which also upsample CD and have balanced outputs, hits the market (not too much to ask?).

Thanks for the input.
Rather interesting than boring ; )

Nope, I don’t run balanced.

Glowing reviews I’ve also read, but I am not easily influenced. Reviews don’t necessarily mean much since way too many factors are at play. Comparing components back-to-back in your system is the way to go, but most rarely do. IMO, both PS Audio and Benchmark are great at marketing products. So they have the connections, get those few good reviews and in turn usually the public follows suit. It’s extremely rare to see the press write negative or lack luster reviews especially if the manufacturer has a good relationship with the reviewer. They’ll usually send the component back and decline to write the review and the public is none the wiser.

In comparison with the others….

PS Audio DAC: lacked detail, congested, small soundstage, digital, thin and a tad bit harsh. Otherwise an OK DAC if not for the others.

Benchmark: better detail, separation between instruments, less digital edge a bit smoother, but still sounded thin.

Apollo: even a bit more detailed and equaled the instrument separation with the Benchmark. The Apollo had more weigh and mass, which meant it didn’t sound thin or harsh and analog/vinyl-like. However, lacking just a bit of sparkle in the higher register, which the Benchmark didn’t suffer the same. The Apollo had better dynamics than the previous two. A bit more upfront than the Benchmark and the PS Audio.

Saturn: take the positive Apollo comments and push it even further with better detail, resolution, separation, and now refinement. The Saturn isn’t as upfront as the Apollo and has the largest soundstage of the lot. Nothing really suffers at either end of the spectrum as the Apollo. Now, in fact, the bass is powerful, defined, and dynamic. This is an extremely addictive source and provides the most musical and analog/vinyl-like listening experience. I know a few dealers have sold Saturns around the $1,750 range.