Decware integrated

Hi all. I'm posting this because I'm looking at the Decware zen Trioid SE34I.5 integrated amp as my first foray into tubes. I'm planning on purchasing Zu audio dirty weekend mkII and would like your opinion if this would make for a decent starter tube system. 

@ghasley , supply chain delays with Chinese parts or some Chinese parts needed. And then also productivity.  Might be a 2 man band producing the equipment which will make it special.  Place it now for 2024 delivery!

I talked to Deckert recently. He's at about 16 month turnaround at this point. 

My electronics use alot of vintage parts so their backlog is normal at a few months.

build yr own. Easy peasy. It’s a very basic circuit. The schematics are out there. Parafeed versions, CCS versions, you name it. Use Edcor or Tamradio iron for a reasonable facsimile, tube roll, choose yr own boutique coupling capacitors and have fun

Is there some reason they don’t just employ another person for at least some part of the process?