Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health

The King of Electric Guitar this week, Eric Clapton, announced to the news media that he is just about completely deaf from severe tinnitus and is suffering nerve damage to his hands that will in just a matter of time compromise his ability to play. When Clapton goes it will be the end of the Rock era as we know it.

Years ago, B.B.King was asked at a press conference who he thought was the greatest rock guitarist of all time, he replied,
"My personal opinion?..."Eric Clapton is the greatest rock and roll guitar player of all time." 1986




True. A Power Trio setting can work musical wonders.


Happy Listening!

A quick listen to Jack Bruce's first two solo albums illustrates a range and sophistication that far exceeds what one typically encounters in Blues/Rock

forgotten treasures…..

Part of the tension within Cream resulted from the fact that Peter Brown, Jack Bruce's song writing partner, was making more money than either Eric Clapton or Ginger Baker.  Bruce/Brown were prolific songwriters and at that time publishing and copywrite royalties could generate more money than record sales.  Additionally, Bruce/Brown wrote quirky pop/rock tunes whereas Clapton tilted more towards riff based blues/rock.  And then there was the constant Ginger vs. Jack feud.  Over time these tensions added up and the band could not survive.

I much prefer Jack Bruce's post Cream output over Eric Clapton's.