High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


But I think that was the old formula.

All solids were 5% each, balance was the suspension  binder..for the 1260.

He never published the formula and ratios of the Q series. Tom


So… there is no Safety Data Sheet for Q45T?  That was my point- the end user doesn’t know what is in the Q45T.  

People have bought this stuff and used it and not reported any "safety effects" ; get some cheap disposable latex gloves and wear them while applying if you are that worried about it

That's correct the info was based on the NPS 1260. The stuff is greasy and messy, so it makes sense to use gloves regardless of what product is used. A mask is probably overkill but hey, we probably have a lot of those hanging around so go ahead and use it.


I know what the main active ingredient is. I published it in a post on Audiogon a couple of years ago. It's non-toxic.